6 Facebook Marketing Tips For Small Business Owners in Cameroon

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Why you need a Facebook page for a your business ?

A business not only has to offer high-quality products or provide useful services. Without a good marketing, selling something becomes very difficult. Businesses who do not have the budgt to afford full-scale advertising campaigns shown on TV or during football matches can turn to Facebook which is an efficient and cheaper marketing channel.

Today social media presence is a must even for every business, and here are the reasons why.

– Communicating with followers and potential customers via social media makes this experience more personal. They get to know you as a real person rather than a faceless, cold-hearted business. This way one can build closer relationships with clients and easily earn their trust.

– Experimenting with different types of content and communicating with followers lets you know your target audience much better. In turn, knowing who your potential clients are and what they want serves as a great beacon for any business.

– A Facebook business account can successfully lead traffic to your website when done properly and, thus, convert followers into customers. This is a service we provide for any business.

– More and more people in Cameroon consider social media as a place where they can get help or complain about products and services. Every business should treat social networks as another channel for customer support.

– Having a Facebook business account can greatly enhance the image and branding of a business which is a great advantage .

Facebook marketing tips for businesses.

Provide valuable content

One of the most common reasons why subscribers keep leaving is not providing relevant content.

Facebook users follow accounts because they can consume content they find interesting and useful in the first place. Not getting what they expect leads them to unsubscribe.

So, whenever you create a post, think carefully: does this post have any value for the audience? For example, if I follow an account devoted to selling office equipment, I expect to see a lot of tips and recommendations on office equipment and office decoration ideas. Such posts should be the core of your content strategy.

Post at the right time.

Posting at the right time also plays an important role as it affects whether people will see these posts or not.

For example, in Cameroon most users are connected on the internet via their mobile phones so it important to post while taking this into account. Posting in the mornings and evening are always the best ways to reach customers.

Link posts to your website

Placing links under posts and even comments is a must. People my enjoy your Facebook posts and even take interest in products you promote but without a link that can lead them your website, they will never convert into actual customers. Links could lead to your homepage or your contact page.

Always respond & Respond fast

Ignoring complaints is the worst thing brands can do. And it will affect not only the one complaining but other followers as well since the whole community will see angry comments with no response. Quick response is a testament to good customer service. Of course, it’s impossible to react to every complaint within five minutes but it’s a important to respond at least within 24 hours.

Be polite and patient

Sometimes we face difficult customers and it is keeping calm and polite may be difficult. But it is important to stay calm and be professional about the way we speak with our customers. Always start with an apology for inconveniences even if you know they client is wrong. Try as much as you can to solve the customer’s problem.

Ask complainants to remove negative posts

If the problem is solved, most customers calm down and some even feel sorry for getting angry. Therefore, asking them privately to remove the negative posts or comments can work. Or you could ask them to write another comment saying that the problem was solved and everything is cool now.

Or simply respond to the original post again and write that the problem is solved.